Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Images of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen

More images have surfaced of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in Entertainment Weekly.

In my opinion, Jennifer still looks to old. I always pictured Katniss as a lanky-malnourished kid. Not a already strong looking pretty girl. While it's still not as bad as I pictured, Jennifer is NOT Katniss. There were so many talented actresses that would've been so much better. Major disappointment!
What are your honest opinions? Comment below!



  1. I hate her... shes way to old. This movie is going to be a major disappointment they did such a crap job with casting.

  2. She's 20, right? Done up to look 16, she actually looks 25. What.

  3. I agree, she looks way older than 16. And isn't the bag supposed to be orange? Lol! Fail!

    As long as they keep to the storyline and all the actors can act, I'll be happy with all this other stuff.

  4. I agree. She not only looks too old but too darn pretty. Her makeup is too perfectly done and she looks to healthy and fresh. FAIL
